Dark Anthem Press Inks Publishing Deal with Jenifer Clements Stockdale

For Immediate Release
Los Angeles/Boston - One Moorer Management (OM2) is excited to announce the signing of screenwriter, author, and producer Jenifer Clements Stockdale! We're thrilled to be part of the next chapter in her career!
Based in Greater Boston, Jenifer is a prolific screenwriter/producer of horror, suspense, and drama shorts, including Age of Horror (2024), Wicked Masshole (2021), and Red Fever (2022), which was adapted from her short story in the best-selling anthology Stories of She (2020).
She grew up on Martha's Vineyard and caught the filmmaking bug as a four-year-old extra in the iconic movie JAWS. In 2018, she founded Cyclops-Snowman Productions to participate in local and regional film festivals, and to learn everything she could about the production process.
"I wanted to be a more collaborative screenwriter, so I created opportunities for myself to be on set and understand the roles of all the stakeholders in filmmaking," Clements Stockdale says.
She has also inked a publishing deal with Dark Anthem Press, an imprint of One Moorer Media & Management. The title and cover for her upcoming psychological suspense novel are currently under wraps until February, and scheduled for a summer book launch.
Jenifer Clements Stockdale IMDb
OM2 is the literary management division of One Moorer, a media and management company that specializes in book-to-screen projects and seeks to amplify underrepresented voices.
Dark Anthem Press is a publishing imprint of One Moorer, with a focus on new and emerging authors who are underrepresented and write in the genres of Dark Gothic, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, and Thriller/Suspense.

Dark Anthem Press is a Black-owned, independent publishing imprint of One Moorer LLC. We specialize in book-to-screen properties that defy convention. Focusing on new and newly established authors, Dark Anthem Press seeks to become the home for diverse and underrepresented voices who write in the genres of Dark Gothic, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, and Thriller.